Bergen Ateliergruppe inviterte 3. og 4. desember 2009 billedkunstnerne i Bergen til workshop for å diskutere mulighetene for en fremtidig samtidskunstbiennale i Bergen, biennalen som konsept, mulige fremtidige scenarier i kunstnerbyen Bergen, og vår rolle som kunstnere i dette. Målet med workshopen var å fortsette diskusjonen om Bergen skal ha en kunstbiennale eller ikke, om hva rollen til de Bergensbaserte kunstnerne skal være i et slikt prosjekt, samt å gi diskusjonen et konkret utfall. Denne bloggen er det direkte utfallet av workshopen, og et sted hvor debatten tas videre.

fredag 30. april 2010

TONIGHT: THE BERGEN BIENNALE 2010 The Most Important Art Event This Decade

Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall / Entrée Gallery
30 APRIL 2010

The Bergen-based collective Ytter joins together with London-based collective Gandt to produce The Bergen Biennale 2010: The Most Important Art Event This Decade. On Friday, 30 April 2010, Bergen sees the advent of a two-fold event beginning at Landmark - Norway’s unique venue for genre-breaking art - with a publication launch featuring Gandt (London/L.A.), Me & My Friends (Zurich/London), The Mock and Other Superstitions (London), Alphabet Prime (Stockholm) and Julie Lillelien Porter (Bergen). Performances by USF Verftet Artist in Residence Jenny Moore Koslowsky (London/Winnipeg), performer/writer/artist Patrick Coyle (London), alongside a performative video installation by Jason Underhill (Los Angeles). A durational performance entitled WORK by Sophie Risner (London) will take place throughout the evening. Landmark’s very own Culture Club is a proud sponsor of the first Bergen Biennale, providing food, drink, and a critically engaged atmosphere for debate and discussion.

The second part of the much anticipated Bergen Biennale 2010 will take place at Entrée, Bergen’s newest and freshest artist-run gallery including performances by Agnes Nedregaard (Bergen/Glasgow), Midskills (Tromsø), a continuation of Patrick Coyle’s “100 Red Exercise Books,” carrying into the night with a concert by the Boogey Boys (Bergen/Etc.), and DJ set by studio collective Flaggfabrikken’s current Artist in Residence Santiago Mostyn (New York).

Ytter and Gandt come together as a naturally evolved but pivotal crux in the visioning of The Bergen Biennale 2010, a one-night stand with both an exciting international program, and the dynamic art scene of Bergen - “the old town with a young mind.”

Friday, 30 April 2010
20:00 – 23:00
Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall
Rasmus Meyers Allé 5, 5015 Bergen

23:00 – 4:00
Entrée Gallery
Nøstegaten 42, 5011 Bergen

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